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(The Mars Volta) Omar and Cedric: If This Ever Gets Weird

Poolinale Nights

OT: Omar and Cedric: If This Ever Gets Weird
Nicolas Jack Davies | DE 2023 | 127 min | OV
Mit: Cedric Bixler-Zavala, Omar Alfredo Rodriguez-Lopez
Kinostart 3.4.2025

ÖSTERREICH-PREMIERE! 3. April, 20:30 im Filmcasino

Natural Born Outsiders: Die beiden bekannten Gesichter der Kultband „The Mars Volta“, Omar Rodríguez López und Cedric Bixler Zavala, lernen sich bereits in ihrer Jugend im texanischen El Paso kennen. Sie teilen den lateinamerikanischen Background, die Musikbegeisterung und zwischenzeitlich das Bett. Montiert aus aktuelleren Aufnahmen und über hundert Stunden privatem Filmmaterial von Omar ist dieser Film ein Ritt durch 20 Jahre Freundschafts- und Musikgeschichte: Beginnend mit ihrer Zeit bei der Hardcore-Band „The Drive-In“ über Projekte wie die Dub-Combo „De Facto“ bis zum Progressive-Rock von „The Mars Volta“ oszilliert der Film zwischen Rausch, Wahn, Abhängigkeiten, Freundschaft und Liebe, um immer wieder in der Musik zu münden. (Sara Gómez | Dokfest München)

Omar and Cedric: If This Ever Gets Weird – Official Trailer – Oscilloscope Laboratories HD

ENGL. (long synopsis)

“If this ever gets weird, promise me we can just stop, as nothing is more important than loving you.” These were the words of Omar Rodríguez-López to his childhood friend Cedric Bixler-Zavala in January 2000, on the eve of recording a breakthrough album that would change their lives forever.

For a decade they stayed true to this pact, until it was spectacularly broken in a haze of deception, Scientology, death and betrayal. The friends then spent the following ten years trying to heal those wounds.
This is a documentary film about the artistic and personal relationship between Omar Rodríguez-López and Cedric Bixler-Zavala (At the Drive-In / The Mars Volta). It is also the story of two immigrant outsiders and their
desire to create their own place in the world.

Told almost entirely through hundreds of hours of intimate footage filmed by Omar Rodríguez-López over the last 40 years, the documentary charts the duo’s intense and profound journey of friendship, brotherhood, love,
fame, self-discovery, and sacrifice. A story like no other, the film unflinchingly tackles the greater themes of success, addiction, death, grief, tragedy, betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption head on.
An intimate portrait of a lifelong friendship and a look at the world through a whole new creative prism.



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(The Mars Volta) Omar and Cedric: If This Ever Gets Weird

Poolinale Nights

OT: Omar and Cedric: If This Ever Gets Weird
Nicolas Jack Davies | DE 2023 | 127 min | OV
Mit: Cedric Bixler-Zavala, Omar Alfredo Rodriguez-Lopez
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